The Olympic Journey

London, England

The Olympic Museum, British Petroleum, and Hypsos teamed up to create a free and unique exhibition hosted by the Royal Opera House for the Summer Olympic Games in London, 2012. “The Olympic Journey, Story of the Games” presented inspiring and compelling stories of the athletic achievements performed by ancient and modern Olympians. The exhibition took visitors on a journey from ancient Greece, the birthplace of the Olympic Games, through to
the modern spectacle we see today, which was revived by the vision of Baron Pierre de Coubertin in 1896. The exhibition featured athletic artefacts, personal stories of some of the UK’s most recognised Olympic competitors, and inspirational audio and video.

Hypsos was responsible for turnkey services, including design, fabrication, installation and maintenance during The Games. Steered by Hypsos in London, preparations for this remarkable exhibition began a year before the event. Due to the exceptionally short build-up time, the entire exhibition was set up, tested and perfected at our facility in the Netherlands. It was then shipped to The Royal Opera House in London and installed within an amazing 36-hour time window, opening to the public on the first morning of the Games.

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